Saturday, December 21, 2019

How to Prevent Accidents in Nursing Homes - 864 Words

Bridgewater Nursing Home is a small 43 bed facility that focuses on an entire spectrum of care from physical, clinical, emotional and spiritual (Nursing Home Ratings, 2014.). Each resident of Bridgewater Nursing Home receive nursing care around the clock with some services including respite care, short-term care, long-term care and hospice support etc. (Nursing Home Rating, 2014). Moreover, the mission at Bridgewater Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center medical staff is to show comfort to the residents and their families. Now even though this nursing home and rehabilitation center is said to show the upmost care for their residences deficiencies has caused violations with a ‘penalty fine of $6,500’ according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (Trismen, 2013). The problems at Bridgewater Nursing Home of Bridgewater, MA started in 2010 when a resident was given a hot dog even though they were not allow solid foods (Trismen, 2013). This resident later died from choking. Another resident at the same nursing home suffered from second-degree burns from a spilled cup of tea that was improperly microwave by a staff nurse. Furthermore, another resident wandered away from the nursing home and went unnoticed for several hours (Trismen, 2013). Although, this was only three accidents it caused a preventable death, burns and a resident from wandering from nursing home site. How can this nursing home accomplish safety precautions to protect the residents? As a public healthShow MoreRelatedState and Federal Regulations for Nursing Homes for the Elderly1067 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Nursing home for the elderly State and federal regulations There were reports of rampant neglect as well as abuse of the people in the nursing homes across the USA, something that prompted the Congress to enact legislation to deal with this in 1987. 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